What does cuffed mean on fb

How could cuffing season survive when the true seasons of fall and winter are not? Cuffing season is the period during the autumn and winter months where finding a boyfriend or girlfriend is suddenly a lot more appealing. It officially starts in September when the temperature turns, but it's around now people are putting in a last-ditch effort to be paired up for the colder months if they haven't found a partner yet. The earliest recorded print uses of cuffing season date from college newspapers in , with cuff preceding that as a verb with origins in African-American vernacular as something close in meaning to hook up.

The term saw significant use as college jargon before ever seeing print; its use in the title of a song by the rapper Fabolous might have helped to introduce the phrase to the public at large.

On top of that, the popularity of dating apps like Tinder, which come with their own winking terminology e. Other phrases have similarly arisen. Using the name of a popular home subscription streaming service, the phrase Netflix and chill has taken hold as coded language for time devoted to relaxation at home with a companion as opposed to going out on an actual date with room for extracurricular activities later.

Which sounds like fun, sure. But aren't there some nights when it would be just as nice to curl up with a good book? Words We're Watching talks about words we are increasingly seeing in use but that have not yet met our criteria for entry.

People seek relationships during cuffing season for both emotional and physical reasons, Richmond explains. We're pack animals, and in the winter months, we had to spend time together literally for warmth. Some research suggests people feel more lonely when the weather is cold in general, and interestingly enough, being cold makes people more interested in romantic movies.

Plus, Richmond adds, with shorter days, less light, and the reality of seasonal affective disorder and depression being more prominent in the wintertime, "looking to other people for comfort and connection makes total sense. If you're wondering whether your latest fling is just a cuff, here are some signs to watch out for, according to Spinelli and Richmond.

Cuffing season can get messy when people aren't on the same page. If they say they're only looking for something temporary or don't want to commit, don't assume you'll eventually change their mind. Spinelli notes that while it's normal to want a companion during the winter months, it's important to be aware of that tendency. Remember you can always lean on friends and family, and do activities you enjoy, to help with some of that loneliness and boredom.

Overall, be sure to figure out whether you really like the person, "or if you are longing for love and companionship during a season where we search to hibernate with someone.

Many people are uncomfortable with setting healthy boundaries. If you're starting to get the sense that you're caught up in a cuffing relationship, and you're not on board with that, it's on you to say so. And those boundaries go for family and friends, too. Now, if the two of you are on the same page about this being a temporary thing, and you're both OK with that, let it be and enjoy it for what it is.

If you can accept that and settle into it for what it is, that's a wonderful thing, she adds. And if you feel yourself catching feelings or getting too attached, she suggests asking yourself if the fallout will be worse than the loneliness. Just in case you needed the reminder, Richmond says taking safer sex precautions is always important—whether it's a hookup for the night or cuffing for four or five months.

It's also not a bad idea to establish whether you're only seeing each other or if there are other hookups happening on the side.

Just because you got together during cuffing season doesn't mean the two of you have no shot at a long-term relationship. It's entirely possible, and there are definitely indicators that you're headed in a good direction. If your relationship doesn't have the typical signs of cuffing listed above and instead features a lot more emotional availability and intimacy, fun dates and affection, long-term plans, and so on, there's a good chance your relationship has staying power.

And of course, how does this person treat you? Are they loving and warm? Do they respect and admire you? Importantly, do they go out of their way for you, and put effort into your relationship? If someone is clearly investing in you , that's a good sign. But at the end of the day, the best way to know if your relationship will last after cuffing season is to address it.

Remember, communication is key. Being transparent about what you both want out of the relationship is really the best way to honor each other and enjoy each other's company—whether only for cuffing season or for the long haul. Want your passion for wellness to change the world? Become A Functional Nutrition Coach! Enroll today to join our upcoming live office hours. Our FREE doctor-approved gut health guide. Statistics for cuff Look-up Popularity. Style: MLA. More Definitions for cuff.

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