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The contentWindow IDL attribute must return the WindowProxy object of the object element's nested browsing context , if it has one; otherwise, it must return null. The willValidate , validity , and validationMessage attributes, and the checkValidity and setCustomValidity methods, are part of the constraint validation API. In the following example, a Java applet is embedded in a page using the object element. Generally speaking, it is better to avoid using applets like these and instead use native JavaScript and HTML to provide the functionality, since that way the application will work on all Web browsers without requiring a third-party plugin.

Many devices, especially embedded devices, do not support third-party technologies like Java. In this example, an HTML page is embedded in another using the object element. The following example shows how a plugin can be used in HTML in this case the Flash plugin, to show a video file. Fallback is provided for users who do not have Flash enabled, in this case using the video element to show the video for those using user agents that support video , and finally providing a link to the video for those who have neither Flash nor a video -capable browser.

The param element defines parameters for plugins invoked by object elements. It does not represent anything on its own. The name attribute gives the name of the parameter. The value attribute gives the value of the parameter. If either the name or value of a parameter defined by a param element that is the child of an object element that represents an instantiated plugin changes, and if that plugin is communicating with the user agent using an API that features the ability to update the plugin when the name or value of a parameter so changes, then the user agent must appropriately exercise that ability to notify the plugin of the change.

The IDL attributes name and value must both reflect the respective content attributes of the same name. The following example shows how the param element can be used to pass a parameter to a plugin, in this case the O3D plugin. A video element is used for playing videos or movies, and audio files with captions. Content may be provided inside the video element. User agents should not show this content to the user ; it is intended for older Web browsers which do not support video , so that legacy video plugins can be tried, or to show text to the users of these older browsers informing them of how to access the video contents.

In particular, this content is not intended to address accessibility concerns. The video element is a media element whose media data is ostensibly video data, possibly with associated audio data.

The src , preload , autoplay , mediagroup , loop , muted , and controls attributes are the attributes common to all media elements. The poster attribute gives the address of an image file that the user agent can show while no video data is available. If the specified resource is to be used, then, when the element is created or when the poster attribute is set, changed, or removed, the user agent must run the following steps to determine the element's poster frame :.

If there is an existing instance of this algorithm running for this video element, abort that instance of this algorithm without changing the poster frame. If the poster attribute's value is the empty string or if the attribute is absent, then there is no poster frame ; abort these steps. Resolve the poster attribute's value relative to the element. If this fails, then there is no poster frame ; abort these steps.

Fetch the resulting absolute URL , from the element's Document 's origin. This must delay the load event of the element's document. If an image is thus obtained, the poster frame is that image. Otherwise, there is no poster frame. The image given by the poster attribute, the poster frame , is intended to be a representative frame of the video typically one of the first non-blank frames that gives the user an idea of what the video is like.

When a video element is paused and the current playback position is the first frame of video, the element represents either the frame of video corresponding to the current playback position or the poster frame , at the discretion of the user agent.

Notwithstanding the above, the poster frame should be preferred over nothing, but the poster frame should not be shown again after a frame of video has been shown.

When a video element is paused at any other position, and the media resource has a video channel, the element represents the frame of video corresponding to the current playback position , or, if that is not yet available e.

When a video element whose media resource has a video channel is potentially playing , it represents the frame of video at the continuously increasing "current" position.

When the current playback position changes such that the last frame rendered is no longer the frame corresponding to the current playback position in the video, the new frame must be rendered. Similarly, any audio associated with the media resource must, if played, be played synchronized with the current playback position , at the element's effective media volume. When a video element whose media resource has a video channel is neither potentially playing nor paused e.

Which frame in a video stream corresponds to a particular playback position is defined by the video stream's format. The video element also represents any text track cues whose text track cue active flag is set and whose text track is in the showing or showing by default modes.

In addition to the above, the user agent may provide messages to the user such as "buffering", "no video loaded", "error", or more detailed information by overlaying text or icons on the video or other areas of the element's playback area, or in another appropriate manner.

User agents that cannot render the video may instead make the element represent a link to an external video playback utility or to the video data itself. These attributes return the intrinsic dimensions of the video, or zero if the dimensions are not known. The intrinsic width and intrinsic height of the media resource are the dimensions of the resource in CSS pixels after taking into account the resource's dimensions, aspect ratio, clean aperture, resolution, and so forth, as defined for the format used by the resource.

If an anamorphic format does not define how to apply the aspect ratio to the video data's dimensions to obtain the "correct" dimensions, then the user agent must apply the ratio by increasing one dimension and leaving the other unchanged.

The video element supports dimension attributes. In the absence of style rules to the contrary, video content should be rendered inside the element's playback area such that the video content is shown centered in the playback area at the largest possible size that fits completely within it, with the video content's aspect ratio being preserved.

Thus, if the aspect ratio of the playback area does not match the aspect ratio of the video, the video will be shown letterboxed or pillarboxed. Areas of the element's playback area that do not contain the video represent nothing. In user agents that implement CSS, the above requirement can be implemented by using the style rule suggested in the rendering section. The intrinsic width of a video element's playback area is the intrinsic width of the video resource, if that is available; otherwise it is the intrinsic width of the poster frame , if that is available; otherwise it is CSS pixels.

The intrinsic height of a video element's playback area is the intrinsic height of the video resource, if that is available; otherwise it is the intrinsic height of the poster frame , if that is available; otherwise it is CSS pixels. User agents should provide controls to enable or disable the display of closed captions, audio description tracks, and other additional data associated with the video stream, though such features should, again, not interfere with the page's normal rendering.

User agents may allow users to view the video content in manners more suitable to the user e. As for the other user interface features, controls to enable this should not interfere with the page's normal rendering unless the user agent is exposing a user interface. In such an independent context, however, user agents may make full user interfaces visible, with, e. User agents may allow video playback to affect system features that could interfere with the user's experience; for example, user agents could disable screensavers while video playback is in progress.

The poster IDL attribute must reflect the poster content attribute. An audio element represents a sound or audio stream.

Content may be provided inside the audio element. User agents should not show this content to the user ; it is intended for older Web browsers which do not support audio , so that legacy audio plugins can be tried, or to show text to the users of these older browsers informing them of how to access the audio contents.

The audio element is a media element whose media data is ostensibly audio data. When an audio element is potentially playing , it must have its audio data played synchronized with the current playback position , at the element's effective media volume.

When an audio element is not potentially playing , audio must not play for the element. Returns a new audio element, with the src attribute set to the value passed in the argument, if applicable. The element must have its preload attribute set to the literal value " auto ". If the src argument is present, the object created must have its src content attribute set to the provided value, and the user agent must invoke the object's resource selection algorithm before returning.

The element's document must be the active document of the browsing context of the Window object on which the interface object of the invoked constructor is found.

The source element allows authors to specify multiple alternative media resources for media elements. The src attribute gives the address of the media resource.

The value must be a valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces. This attribute must be present. Dynamically modifying a source element and its attribute when the element is already inserted in a video or audio element will have no effect. To change what is playing, either just use the src attribute on the media element directly, or call the load method on the media element after manipulating the source elements.

The type attribute gives the type of the media resource , to help the user agent determine if it can play this media resource before fetching it. If specified, its value must be a valid MIME type. The codecs parameter, which certain MIME types define, might be necessary to specify exactly how the resource is encoded.

The media attribute gives the intended media type of the media resource , to help the user agent determine if this media resource is useful to the user before fetching it.

Its value must be a valid media query. The default, if the media attribute is omitted, is " all ", meaning that by default the media resource is suitable for all media. The IDL attributes src , type , and media must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name. If the author isn't sure if the user agents will all be able to render the media resources provided, the author can listen to the error event on the last source element and trigger fallback behavior:.

The track element allows authors to specify explicit external timed text tracks for media elements. The kind attribute is an enumerated attribute. The following table lists the keywords defined for this attribute. The keyword given in the first cell of each row maps to the state given in the second cell. The attribute may be omitted. The missing value default is the subtitles state. The src attribute gives the address of the text track data.

If the element has a src attribute whose value is not the empty string and whose value, when the attribute was set, could be successfully resolved relative to the element, then the element's track URL is the resulting absolute URL. Otherwise, the element's track URL is the empty string. The srclang attribute gives the language of the text track data.

The value must be a valid BCP 47 language tag. This attribute must be present if the element's kind attribute is in the subtitles state.

If the element has a srclang attribute whose value is not the empty string, then the element's track language is the value of the attribute. Otherwise, the element has no track language. The label attribute gives a user-readable title for the track.

This title is used by user agents when listing subtitle , caption , and audio description tracks in their user interface.

The value of the label attribute, if the attribute is present, must not be the empty string. Furthermore, there must not be two track element children of the same media element whose kind attributes are in the same state, whose srclang attributes are both missing or have values that represent the same language, and whose label attributes are again both missing or both have the same value.

If the element has a label attribute whose value is not the empty string, then the element's track label is the value of the attribute. Otherwise, the element's track label is a user-agent defined string e. The default attribute, if specified, indicates that the track is to be enabled if the user's preferences do not indicate that another track would be more appropriate. There must not be more than one track element with the same parent node with the default attribute specified.

Returns the TextTrack object corresponding to the text track of the track element. The track IDL attribute must, on getting, return the track element's text track 's corresponding TextTrack object.

The src , srclang , label , and default IDL attributes must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name. The kind IDL attribute must reflect the content attribute of the same name, limited to only known values. Media elements audio and video , in this specification implement the following interface:. The media element attributes , src , preload , autoplay , mediagroup , loop , muted , and controls , apply to all media elements.

They are defined in this section. Media elements are used to present audio data, or video and audio data, to the user. This is referred to as media data in this section, since this section applies equally to media elements for audio or for video.

The term media resource is used to refer to the complete set of media data, e. A media resource can have multiple audio and video tracks. For the purposes of a media element , the video data of the media resource is only that of the currently selected track if any given by the element's videoTracks attribute, and the audio data of the media resource is the result of mixing all the currently enabled tracks if any given by the element's audioTracks attribute.

Both audio and video elements can be used for both audio and video. The main difference between the two is simply that the audio element has no playback area for visual content such as video or captions , whereas the video element does.

Except where otherwise specified, the task source for all the tasks queued in this section and its subsections is the media element event task source. Returns a MediaError object representing the current error state of the element. All media elements have an associated error status, which records the last error the element encountered since its resource selection algorithm was last invoked.

The error attribute, on getting, must return the MediaError object created for this last error, or null if there has not been an error. The code attribute of a MediaError object must return the code for the error, which must be one of the following:. The src content attribute on media elements gives the address of the media resource video, audio to show. If a src attribute of a media element is set or changed, the user agent must invoke the media element 's media element load algorithm.

Removing the src attribute does not do this, even if there are source elements present. The src IDL attribute on media elements must reflect the content attribute of the same name. The currentSrc IDL attribute is initially the empty string. Its value is changed by the resource selection algorithm defined below. There are two ways to specify a media resource , the src attribute, or source elements. The attribute overrides the elements. A media resource can be described in terms of its type , specifically a MIME type , in some cases with a codecs parameter.

Whether the codecs parameter is allowed or not depends on the MIME type. Thus, given a type, a user agent can often only know whether it might be able to play media of that type with varying levels of confidence , or whether it definitely cannot play media of that type.

A type that the user agent knows it cannot render is one that describes a resource that the user agent definitely does not support, for example because it doesn't recognize the container type, or it doesn't support the listed codecs. User agents must treat that type as equivalent to the lack of any explicit Content-Type metadata when it is used to label a potential media resource.

This is a deviation from the rule that unknown MIME type parameters should be ignored. Returns the empty string a negative response , "maybe", or "probably" based on how confident the user agent is that it can play media resources of the given type.

Implementors are encouraged to return " maybe " unless the type can be confidently established as being supported or not. Generally, a user agent should never return " probably " for a type that allows the codecs parameter if that parameter is not present. This script tests to see if the user agent supports a fictional new format to dynamically decide whether to use a video element or a plugin:.

The type attribute of the source element allows the user agent to avoid downloading resources that use formats it cannot render. Returns the current state of network activity for the element, from the codes in the list below. As media elements interact with the network, their current network activity is represented by the networkState attribute. On getting, it must return the current network state of the element, which must be one of the following values:.

The resource selection algorithm defined below describes exactly when the networkState attribute changes value and what events fire to indicate changes in this state. Causes the element to reset and start selecting and loading a new media resource from scratch. All media elements have an autoplaying flag , which must begin in the true state, and a delaying-the-load-event flag , which must begin in the false state.

While the delaying-the-load-event flag is true, the element must delay the load event of its document. When the load method on a media element is invoked, the user agent must run the media element load algorithm. The media element load algorithm consists of the following steps. Abort any already-running instance of the resource selection algorithm for this element. If there are any tasks from the media element 's media element event task source in one of the task queues , then remove those tasks.

Basically, pending events and callbacks for the media element are discarded when the media element starts loading a new resource. Queue a task to fire a simple event named emptied at the media element. If a fetching process is in progress for the media element , the user agent should stop it.

Forget the media element's media-resource-specific text tracks. If the paused attribute is false, then set it to true. If seeking is true, set it to false. If this changed the current playback position , then queue a task to fire a simple event named timeupdate at the media element. Update the duration attribute to Not-a-Number NaN. The user agent will not fire a durationchange event for this particular change of the duration. Set the playbackRate attribute to the value of the defaultPlaybackRate attribute.

Set the error attribute to null and the autoplaying flag to true. Invoke the media element 's resource selection algorithm. Playback of any previously playing media resource for this element stops. The resource selection algorithm for a media element is as follows. This algorithm is always invoked synchronously, but one of the first steps in the algorithm is to return and continue running the remaining steps asynchronously, meaning that it runs in the background with scripts and other tasks running in parallel.

In addition, this algorithm interacts closely with the event loop mechanism; in particular, it has synchronous sections which are triggered as part of the event loop algorithm.

Asynchronously await a stable state , allowing the task that invoked this algorithm to continue. The synchronous section consists of all the remaining steps of this algorithm until the algorithm says the synchronous section has ended.

End the synchronous section , continuing the remaining steps asynchronously. If that algorithm returns without aborting this one, then the load failed. Failed : Reaching this step indicates that the media resource failed to load or that the given URL could not be resolved. In one atomic operation, run the following steps:. Queue a task to fire a simple event named error at the media element. Set the element's delaying-the-load-event flag to false.

This stops delaying the load event. Abort these steps. Until the load method is invoked or the src attribute is changed, the element won't attempt to load another resource. Otherwise, the source elements will be used; run these substeps:. One node is the node before pointer , and the other node is the node after pointer. Initially, let pointer be the position between the candidate node and the next node, if there are any, or the end of the list, if it is the last node. As nodes are inserted and removed into the media element , pointer must be updated as follows:.

Run the resource fetch algorithm with absolute URL. Failed : Queue a task to fire a simple event named error at the candidate element, in the context of the fetching process that was used to try to obtain candidate 's corresponding media resource in the resource fetch algorithm.

Asynchronously await a stable state. Otherwise, jump back to the process candidate step. Wait until the node after pointer is a node other than the end of the list. This step might wait forever.

The resource fetch algorithm for a media element and a given absolute URL is as follows:. Let the current media resource be the resource given by the absolute URL passed to this algorithm.

This is now the element's media resource. Begin to fetch the current media resource , from the media element 's Document 's origin , with the force same-origin flag set. The stall timeout is a user-agent defined length of time, which should be about three seconds. When a media element that is actively attempting to obtain media data has failed to receive any data for a duration equal to the stall timeout , the user agent must queue a task to fire a simple event named stalled at the element.

User agents may allow users to selectively block or slow media data downloads. When a media element 's download has been blocked altogether, the user agent must act as if it was stalled as opposed to acting as if the connection was closed. The rate of the download may also be throttled automatically by the user agent, e.

User agents may decide to not download more content at any time, e. The preload attribute provides a hint regarding how much buffering the author thinks is advisable, even in the absence of the autoplay attribute. When a user agent decides to completely stall a download, e.

The user agent may use whatever means necessary to fetch the resource within the constraints put forward by this and other specifications ; for example, reconnecting to the server in the face of network errors, using HTTP range retrieval requests, or switching to a streaming protocol. The user agent must consider a resource erroneous only if it has given up trying to fetch it.

The networking task source tasks to process the data as it is being fetched must, when appropriate, include the relevant substeps from the following list:. DNS errors, HTTP 4xx and 5xx errors and equivalents in other protocols , and other fatal network errors that occur before the user agent has established whether the current media resource is usable, as well as the file using an unsupported container format, or using unsupported codecs for all the data, must cause the user agent to execute the following steps:.

Abort this subalgorithm, returning to the resource selection algorithm. Establish the media timeline for the purposes of the current playback position , the earliest possible position , and the initial playback position , based on the media data. Update the timeline offset to the date and time that corresponds to the zero time in the media timeline established in the previous step, if any. If no explicit time and date is given by the media resource , the timeline offset must be set to Not-a-Number NaN.

Set the current playback position to the earliest possible position. Update the duration attribute with the time of the last frame of the resource, if known, on the media timeline established above. If it is not known e. The user agent will queue a task to fire a simple event named durationchange at the element at this point.

For video elements, set the videoWidth and videoHeight attributes. A loadedmetadata DOM event will be fired as part of setting the readyState attribute to a new value. If either the media resource or the address of the current media resource indicate a particular start time, then set the initial playback position to that time, seek to that time, and let jumped be true.

Ignore any resulting exceptions if the position is out of range, it is effectively ignored. For example, with media formats that support the Media Fragments URI fragment identifier syntax, the fragment identifier can be used to indicate a start position. If either the media resource or the address of the current media resource indicate a particular set of audio or video tracks to enable, then the selected audio tracks must be enabled in the element's audioTracks object, and the first selected video track must be selected in the element's videoTracks object.

If the media element has a current media controller , then: if jumped is true and the initial playback position , relative to the current media controller 's timeline, is greater than the current media controller 's media controller position , then seek the media controller to the media element 's initial playback position , relative to the current media controller 's timeline; otherwise, seek the media element to the media controller position , relative to the media element 's timeline, discarding any resulting exceptions.

The user agent is required to determine the duration of the media resource and go through this step before playing. Queue a task to fire a simple event named progress at the media element.

Fatal network errors that occur after the user agent has established whether the current media resource is usable must cause the user agent to execute the following steps:. Abort the overall resource selection algorithm.

Fatal errors in decoding the media data that occur after the user agent has established whether the current media resource is usable must cause the user agent to execute the following steps:.

The fetching process is aborted by the user, e. These steps are not followed if the load method itself is invoked while these steps are running, as the steps above handle that particular kind of abort. Queue a task to fire a simple event named abort at the media element. The server returning data that is partially usable but cannot be optimally rendered must cause the user agent to render just the bits it can handle, and ignore the rest. If the media resource 's origin is the same origin as the media element 's Document 's origin , queue a task to run the steps to expose a media-resource-specific text track with the relevant data.

Cross-origin files do not expose their subtitles in the DOM, for security reasons. However, user agents may still provide the user with access to such data in their user interface. When the networking task source has queued the last task as part of fetching the media resource i. This might never happen, e. While the user agent might still need network access to obtain parts of the media resource , the user agent must remain on this step. For example, if the user agent has discarded the first half of a video, the user agent will remain at this step even once the playback has ended , because there is always the chance the user will seek back to the start.

In fact, in this situation, once playback has ended , the user agent will end up dispatching a stalled event, as described earlier. If the user agent ever reaches this step which can only happen if the entire resource gets loaded and kept available : abort the overall resource selection algorithm.

The preload attribute is an enumerated attribute. The following table lists the keywords and states for the attribute — the keywords in the left column map to the states in the cell in the second column on the same row as the keyword. The empty string is also a valid keyword, and maps to the Automatic state. The attribute's missing value default is user-agent defined, though the Metadata state is suggested as a compromise between reducing server load and providing an optimal user experience.

The preload attribute is intended to provide a hint to the user agent about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience.

The attribute may be ignored altogether, for example based on explicit user preferences or based on the available connectivity. The preload IDL attribute must reflect the content attribute of the same name, limited to only known values. The autoplay attribute can override the preload attribute since if the media plays, it naturally has to buffer first, regardless of the hint given by the preload attribute.

Including both is not an error, however. Returns a TimeRanges object that represents the ranges of the media resource that the user agent has buffered. Google has not announced any deadlines to remove Ads from IFrames, but it is a good idea to act quickly. You just have one AdSense account and you may not want to risk it for disabling for policy violations.

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