Why khrushchev denounced stalin
Khrushchev denounced Stalin, the cult of personality he had fostered and the crimes he had perpetrated, including the execution, torture and imprisonment of loyal party members on false charges. He blamed Stalin for foreign policy errors, for the failings of Soviet agriculture, for ordering mass terror and for mistakes that had led to appalling loss of life in the Second World War and the German occupation of huge areas of Soviet territory.
The delegates did not dare even to look at each other as the party secretary piled one horrifying accusation on another for four solid hours. At the end there was no applause and the audience left in a state of shock. One of those who heard the speech was the young Alexander Yakovlev, later a leading architect of perestroika, who recalled that it shook him to his roots.
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We will only use your personal information to register you for OUPblog articles. Elizabeth Barrett elopes with Robert Browing on September 12, Barrett was already a respected poet who had published literary criticism and Greek translations in addition to poetry.
Her first volume of poetry, The Seraphim and Other Poems, appeared in , followed by On September 12, , the first season of the television comedy series Entourage, about a hot young actor in Hollywood and the posse of people surrounding him, comes to an end on HBO. Entourage, which debuted on July 18, , starred Adrian Grenier as the up-and-coming movie Hurricane Gilbert slams into Jamaica, killing hundreds of people, on September 12, The storm went on to cause death and destruction in Mexico and spur a batch of tornadoes in Texas.
On September 10, Gilbert attained hurricane status west of the Dominican Republic. Live TV. This Day In History. The party Congress took place in Moscow from February 14 to February At a closed session on the last day, Nikita Khrushchev gave a speech denouncing Stalin. Khrushchev had given what U. Nevertheless, the revelations sent shock waves through the Soviet bloc. Communist leaders in the bloc were cast adrift and left without direction on how to proceed.
The revelations may even have contributed to the Polish uprising in June and the Hungarian revolution of October Rumors of the speech first reached Ambassador Bohlen on March 10, at a reception at the French embassy.