What makes plasmids
J Antimicrob Chemother ; 63 : — Replicon sequence typing of IncF plasmids carrying virulence and resistance determinants. J Antimicrob Chemother ; 65 : — Rapid plasmid replicon typing by real time PCR melting curve analysis. BMC Microbiol ; 13 : Partition locus-based classification of selected plasmids in Klebsiella pneumoniae , Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica spp. J Microbiol Methods ; : 85 — A classification scheme for mobilization regions of bacterial plasmids.
The diversity of conjugative relaxases and its application in plasmid classification. Identification of bacterial plasmids based on mobility and plasmid population biology.
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J Antimicrob Chemother ; 68 : — J Antimicrob Chemother ; 68 : 97 — Mosaic plasmids and mosaic replicons: Evolutionary lessons from the analysis of genetic diversity in IncFII-related replicons. Microbiology ; Pt 9 : — Plasmid R is a cointegrate. J Gen Microbiol ; : — 5. The pCoo plasmid of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli is a mosaic cointegrate.
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J Antimicrob Chemother ; 62 : — Dutch patients, retail chicken meat and poultry share the same ESBL genes, plasmids and strains. Clin Microbiol Infect ; 17 : — Nucleotide sequences of 16 transmissible plasmids identified in nine multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli isolates expressing an ESBL phenotype isolated from food-producing animals and healthy humans. J Antimicrob Chemother ; 69 : — PLoS One ; 9 : e Antimicrob Agents Chemother ; 57 : — Investigation of a plasmid genome database for colistin-resistance gene mcr Lancet Infect Dis ; 16 : — 5.
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Microbial Genetics. Search for:. Introduction to Plasmids A plasmid is a small DNA molecule that is physically separate from, and can replicate independently of, chromosomal DNA within a cell.
Learning Objectives Outline the utility of plasmids. Plasmids provide a mechanism for horizontal gene transfer within a population of microbes and typically provide a selective advantage under a given environmental state. Key Terms plasmid : A circle of double-stranded DNA that is separate from the chromosomes, which is found in bacteria and protozoa.
Types of Plasmids and Their Biological Significance Plasmids are commonly used to multiply make many copies of or express particular genes. Learning Objectives Recognize the characteristics of, and thus the functions, of plasmids. Key Takeaways Key Points The gene to be replicated is inserted into copies of a plasmid containing genes that make cells resistant to particular antibiotics, and into a multiple cloning site MCS, or polylinker , allowing the easy insertion of DNA fragments.
A major use of plasmids is to make large amounts of proteins. Bacterium can be induced to produce large amounts of proteins from the inserted gene. Key Terms Col plasmids : These plasmids contain genes that code for bacteriocins, proteins that can kill other bacteria. F-plasmid : Fertility F-plasmids contain tra genes and are capable of conjugation resulting in the expression of sex pilli. Resistance plasmids : These plasmids contain genes that provide resistance against antibiotics or poisons.
Licenses and Attributions. CC licensed content, Shared previously. Bacteria can pick up new plasmids from other bacterial cells during conjugation or from the environment.
They can also readily lose them — for instance, when a bacterium divides in two, one of the daughter cells might miss out on getting a plasmid.
For this reason, plasmids can copy themselves independently of the bacterial chromosome, so there can be many copies of a plasmid — even hundreds — within one bacterial cell. Plasmids contain just a few genes, but they make a big difference to their host bacterium. Other plasmids contain genes that help the host to digest unusual substances or to kill other types of bacteria. However, by protecting its bacterial host from stress-related death, a plasmid maximises its chances of being kept around.
Under stressful conditions, bacteria with the plasmid will live longer — and have more opportunity to pass on the plasmid to daughter cells or to other bacteria.
They generally carry only a small number of genes, notably some associated with antibiotic resistance. Plasmids may be passed between different bacterial cells. Small pieces of DNA, such as human DNA, can be attached to appropriate elements, circularized, and then introduced into bacteria, where they are propagated--or in other words, copied--along with the host bacterial chromosome.