What does 6661 mean
There are skeptics in my life who can think the miracle right out of things- so I was doing that too. Big nudge here. My changing life is proof that miraculous events start with acknowledging the possibility!! Well here I am again at number Whole different state and circumstances, that much closer with God and angels still tugging away at my heart. If my everyday life continued to be loveless for the rest of my stay on Earth, I could safely exhale because Jesus is is with me and his angels are always on loan.
I just get too stuck in the stratosphere that comes back to Earth seems life a sentance of doom. The Chariot- the runes- the energy- the heart behind all of it, in it flooding into every nook n cranny Jesus, your love your divine presence soothe me , thank you. The One in this case can be regarded as favorable information.
The angels tell you that if you continue to move in the same direction, the desired goal will be within easy reach. Such qualities of the One as independence and the ability to adequately assess your abilities will help you hold the course. Sometimes our guardian angels have to remind us that we are much more than just the things we have and the things we earn.
They send us subtle messages that we often tend to oversee — these appear through repetitive numbers, repetitive names, even repetitive letters. Take this message seriously and try to think about the messages and elections you will learn from it. Behave appropriately in order to respect these messages, and you will see a lot of benefits in your life. There are people who tend to ignore these messages because of fear or laziness, but if you do that, you will never reach your full potential.
The number is related to publishing and clarity. The word publish is trying to let you know that you should take the proper steps when it comes to your business, your work, or your academics.
When it comes to clarity comes out, the only message there is: that you need to think about your priorities and set them straight. And if we really think so, then we just do not understand the meaning of the number in numerology. The methods and forms of such intervention are reflected in the number I called this phenomenon the evolution of the number You never know when it will come, because the number lives not by the laws of Time, but by the laws of Eternity.
This fact is especially clear in number , where one seems to speak of Eternity, the second — the illusion of time, and both essentially explain the same thing. That is, the number and the number 6 will help you if what you do or are going to do does not contradict the spiritual logic — the logic of the Spirit.
By the way, spiritual knowledge is not built on traditional logic logic of the Mind , but on spiritual logic logic of the Spirit. In real esoteric and numerology, this fact must be taken into account. Number is the active defense of spiritual truths.
Number 8 is a passive defender. It seems to you that this has nothing to do with our daily lives. You are wrong!