What do you mean by docx
Ryan Perian. Lifewire Technology Review Board Member. Article reviewed on Feb 16, Tweet Share Email. Was this page helpful?
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Their jobs can range from a set of duties that varies from industry to industry. Have any questions? Mari Laatre folderit. This file format remains one of the most widely used and is accessible through numerous programs.
In fact, most users have Microsoft Word and can easily open and edit the file. In a team setting, a DOCX is ideal due to its editing capabilities. Team members can quickly share and edit the DOCX amongst one another, making it perfect for projects and campaigns. Articles, newsletters and advertisements are best created using DOCX. In these instances, consider a different file format, especially for professional documents such as cover letters or resumes.
Alternatively, if you prefer to let a converter program handle the conversion process, those are widely available. Give it a shot if you have multiple files to convert, as it might save you time. Consider the ways in which a DOCX benefits different companies and teams.
As tech progressed, Microsoft changed the way its document file type construction.