When was greenville sc established
The extension of Church Street in the late s destroyed much of the once-extensive mill village. In , Furman Institution now Furman University bought the land. Three textile mills and a cotton warehouse operated in the early s, all contributing to the pollution of the Reedy River.
Over the next 40 years, the Garden Club and the City of Greenville have worked with individuals, corporations and state and federal agencies to further develop the park, clean up the river and restore the historic Falls Cottage. In , landscape architect Andrea Mains introduced the concept of transforming the park into a regional attraction, with beautiful public gardens and a pedestrian bridge.
Skip to Main Content. Loading Close. Do Not Show Again Close. History Recent History In the mids, the Carolina Foothills Garden Club and the City of Greenville adopted a master plan for the park that was designed to restore the beauty of the area and provide a safe and welcoming gathering spot for individuals and groups.
The pedestrian bridge opened views of the falls and the park. Yesteryear Most of modern day Greenville was hunting land used by the Cherokee Indians, whose main villages were located in what is now Oconee County.
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Support the SC Picture Project! PayPal Credit Card. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Daniel, president of Daniel Construction of Anderson and one of the major contractors for the air base, moved his headquarters to the city.
New Deal agencies closed, and textile mills began to operate around the clock. After textiles at first continued to expand, but Daniel and others began to plan for a diversified economy.
One local product,. Texize Household Cleaner, developed a national market, and in the s two radio stations merged with the News-Piedmont Company into Multimedia, Inc. In the s, Donaldson Air Force Base was transformed into an industrial park. The city annexed suburbs and in employed its first city manager. Suburban shopping malls, such as McAllister Square, drew retail business from downtown, and Daniel challenged the city to revitalize Main Street.
Just prior to his death, he broke ground for the Daniel Building in Under the leadership of Mayor Max Heller — there was greater development downtown. Education was transformed in with the creation of a single School District of Greenville County. Bob Jones University opened in Greenville in , and Furman University purchased a new campus north of the city in Race relations took a violent turn in with the lynching of a black man, Willie Earle, by a group of white taxicab drivers.
The subsequent trial brought international attention. As the civil rights movement developed nationally, local leaders like Daniel were determined that integration in Greenville would be peaceful. On January 1, , the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People staged a march, and a few months later young African Americans began to test local laws at the library and lunch counters.
The chamber of commerce appointed a biracial committee to plan strategy and integration began to take place. Finally, under a court order, the county schools desegregated peacefully in February Jesse Jackson, a native son, became a national figure in the civil rights movement. In Mayor Heller honored him at a public banquet. Redevelopment of the central city continued, and in the Peace Center for the Performing Arts opened on the banks of the Reedy River.