What type of word is kept
English Language Learners Definition of keep Entry 2 of 2. See the full definition for keep in the English Language Learners Dictionary. Nglish: Translation of keep for Spanish Speakers.
Britannica English: Translation of keep for Arabic Speakers. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Log in Sign Up. Save Word. Definition of keep Entry 1 of 2. Definition of keep Entry 2 of 2. Choose the Right Synonym for keep Verb keep , observe , celebrate , commemorate mean to notice or honor a day, occasion, or deed.
Examples of keep in a Sentence Verb She's going to keep the money she found. I can't decide whether to sell my old car or keep it for another year. While the company laid off some employees, others had hopes of keeping their jobs. Keep the change. The program teaches kids how to keep safe near water. I tried to keep the children quiet during the ceremony. The local newspaper keeps people informed about what's happening in town. I keep forgetting to put the answering machine on.
Sorry to keep you waiting. She kept me talking for forty-five minutes. We need more money to keep the farm going. Keep on until you reach the traffic lights. I think we should keep this one and sell the others. She told the waiter to keep the change. How can I stay here and keep my self-respect? Most employees will keep their jobs when the company changes hands. Read this letter carefully , and keep it in a safe place. Where do you keep the washing powder?
We keep all these transactions on file. Some companies do not keep detailed records. Every member of the group has to keep a diary. Costs must be kept within reasonable limits. I am trying to keep within budget. If you cannot keep your appointment , please let us know. I have tried to keep my promise. He promised the family , and I think he will keep his word. She keeps the family on two hundred pounds a week. A few cows are kept to provide milk , cheese , and cream.
I have been keeping tropical fish for twenty years. The sauce will keep for two weeks in the fridge. Are you keeping well? How are you keeping? Words nearby keep Keene , keener , Keene's cement , keening , keenly , keep , keep abreast of , keep a civil tongue in one's head , keep after , keep a low profile , keep an eye on. What is a basic definition of keep? Real-life examples : Most people prefer to keep money rather than give it away or spend it. If a childhood toy means a lot to you, you probably want to keep it and not throw it away.
If nobody claims a lost item, then the store or police will usually let the finder keep it. Keep can also mean to store something in a certain area. Real-life examples : Almost everyone keeps perishable food in a refrigerator. You might keep your clothes on the floor, although your mom wants them in a dresser. People keep money in a safe or bank account. The police keep prisoners in jail. Used in a sentence : Aylia keeps her priceless jewelry in a lockbox.
Real-life examples : A business will keep making money as long as it can. Most pets will keep staring at you until you either finish eating or give them some food. The moon will keep rotating around Earth unless something stops it.
In a similar sense, keep can also mean to remain in a certain state or condition. Real-life examples : People store ice cream in a freezer so it keeps cold. Most people find it hard to keep calm during a crisis. People wear jackets or use umbrellas to keep dry during a rainstorm. Used in a sentence : The men gathered around the fire to keep warm. Where does keep come from? Did you know …? How is keep used in real life? Try using keep!