What happens if you wait to get stitches

And when they do, seconds matter. All our emergency departments have a full-time staff of emergency specialists at the ready 24 hours a day. We use advanced technology to diagnose and treat your condition and coordinate with your doctor to provide the best care possible. Share this on: No matter how careful we are, scrapes and cuts are bound to happen.

All rights reserved. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Always follow your healthcare professional's instructions. Patient Education. Old Laceration: No Stitches A laceration is a cut through the skin. Home care These guidelines will help you care for your laceration at home. The healthcare provider may prescribe an antibiotic cream or ointment to prevent infection.

Clean the wound daily: After removing any bandage, wash the area with soap and water. Check the wound daily for signs of infection listed below. Follow-up care Follow up with your healthcare provider, or as advised. When to seek medical advice Call your healthcare provider right away if any of these occur: Wound bleeding not controlled by direct pressure Signs of infection, including increasing pain in the wound, increasing wound redness or swelling, or pus or bad odor coming from the wound Fever of Yes No.

They stop bleeding and reduce your risk of infection. Stitches also help reduce scarring. The size of your laceration is an important indicator of whether it needs stitches. This includes the length and depth. The size of your cut also plays a role in how the wound is closed.

Smaller, shallow wounds can sometimes be closed using sterile adhesive strips called Steri-Strips. Staples may also be used in place of stitches, especially with head wounds.

Spurting blood may be a sign of a severed artery. Lacerations on certain parts of your body can increase the likelihood of needing stitches. Wounds on or across a joint will likely require stitches, especially if the wound opens when you move the joint. There is the possibility of damaging a ligament or tendon in these areas. According to the Cleveland Clinic , cuts on or near the genitals and those on cosmetically significant areas, such as the face, should also be evaluated immediately.

Cuts to areas of the face like the eyelids are especially concerning as they can impair functioning. The causes of some wounds make medical treatment more important. This is especially the case with puncture wounds and wounds that are caused by a human or animal bite , which may need a tetanus booster or antibiotics, as well as stitches. Wash the wound well and stop the bleeding, then pinch the sides of the wound together.

If the edges of the wound come together and it looks better, you may want to consider seeing your doctor for treatment. If treatment may be needed, do not use an antiseptic until after a doctor has examined the wound. The location and type of wound also affects how soon it should be treated.

The types of wounds listed above usually need an evaluation by a doctor but may not always need to be closed by a doctor. Blahd Jr. Gabica MD - Family Medicine. Author: Healthwise Staff. Medical Review: William H. This information does not replace the advice of a doctor.

Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information.


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