What does px mean in medical terms
Translates into: Take one tablet by mouth po four times a day qid , after meals pc and at bedtime hs. It would mean 4 times in a 24 hour period. It says 24 hour period so you know how much time needs to pass before you take your first dose for the next day. You are unlikely to be awake during the night, so take your doses in the day time. The timing I provided is what I would use myself. This is not the same as three times a day tid or TD.
Ideally these times should be at least 4 hours apart e. For five times a day: ideally, this is every 5 hours through the day and night, but you can give it during the waking day, e.
APC admitted patient care. APMS alternative provider medical services. APT anatomical pathology technologist. AQI ambulance quality indicator. AQP any qualified provider. AR Aortic regurgitation. ARCP annual review of competency progression. ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome. ASI appointment slot issues. AT area team. AWD agency workers directive. AWR agency workers regulations. Write Your Answer. Similar Asks What is the mean of the sample means? What is the mean of the distribution of sample means?
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