What does lbvs stand for

Rolling On Floor Laughing Histsrically. Rolling On Laughing Floor. Rolling On The Floor laughing is implied. Rolling On The Floor Laughing. Rolling On The Ground Laughing. Seriously Laughing Out Loud. Shaking My Head Laughing.

Truly Laughing Out Loud. Other terms relating to 'very':. I Love You Very Much letters in each word. Very Sad. Very happy. All The Very Best. A Very Potter Musical. Very beautiful, sexy.

Lots of, very. A very black person. Very attractive woman. Very Ugly Caught. Very potent marijuana Incredibly good, awesome. Very bored. Easy peasy, very easy. Very good, cool. Hug very hard. Really, very. Ha-Ha, Very Funny. Get a lot of money very quickly. Very good looking, sexy.

I Love You Very Much. Very, sort of. Very funny. Eat very fast. Much, very. Miss You Very Much. Revive a very old forum thread. Not Very Nice. Or Very Near Offer. Paralytic, very drunk. Really sexy, very fit. Party very hard, get wasted. A very small unit of measurement. Very happy, excited. Very, really. Someone Very Special. Not very pure heroin.

Talk To You Very Soon. Thank You Very Much. Thanks Very Much. Thank You So Very Much. Uber, very. Very Respectfully. Daphne found out Tucker was cheating on her and she punched him in the face!

Penny: Yeah! She knocked him out and gave him a concussion, and the night before prom, too! Here, Ben and Penny are laughing at the fact that Tucker got a concussion because it was such a spectacle in front of the whole school.

She feels bad about laughing but knows Ben will understand what she means. In this next scenario, Cat and Sam are wine tasting in Napa. The sommelier hands them a small glass, and they take a whiff and a sip. Here, the sommelier uses LBVs to refer to a late bottled vintage wine. In the final scenario, Cathy tells her friend Luis about what her daughter Megan is studying for her PhD. Cathy: Astronomy and astrophysics.

Here, Cathy uses LBVs to refer to the astronomy term luminous blue variables, which are a type of star. LBVS is a casual texting acronym that should not be used in formal contexts. It should only be used as a joking term between friends or family. His flight back was delayed and he missed his connection, and is now stuck in an international airport in Scotland. He emails her from the airport. I have been in the airport for nine hours waiting for my new flight and now a chorus of bagpipes is playing in the terminal.

I will not be in tomorrow. Please cancel my meetings and reschedule them for later in the week. Send my regards. Instead, she should respond with the following. Oh no! Josie Wales. It's like lol but for situations where lol would be too "informal" So like "hey I know you just broke up with John but at least I have some cute friends lbvs! Like Reply Report 2 5 years ago. Cancel Report. Create a new account. Log In. Know what is LBVS? Got another good explanation for LBVS?

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