What do you call male divas

HMDs say "shade" a lot. If you don't know what shade is, then find out , before you go out in the street and someone starts throwing it at you. HMDs idolize loud ladies with large, occasionally colorful hair, who appear in trashy reality TV shows and have club-brawl mugshots floating around the internet. Ratchet rules the roost. These women are so arrogant, their confidence reaches through the TV and grabs you by the throat.

Ratchet girls are the fun, loose cannon party girl that every HMD wants in their entourage. They look like strippers; life-sized walking, talking ghetto-chic accessories.

Blac Chyna , who's currently dating some guy from Cash Money, and Joseline Hernandez , who stars in a show about the love lives of washed up rappers, are two current favorites.

Despite all that stuff above, HMDs are not into having dicks in their butt. It's no big deal. Or what, you wanna make it one? In those jeans?! Bitch, please. Or do you definitely want to allude to the show business connection? La Reine V. How about blairbushes? Brioche Senior Member Adelaide.

I was not aware that Diva has the same connotation as " prima donna ". Why not "I Divi"? I've been told that everyone has an inner diva : divine Wisdom for Living, Loving and Overcoming. Originally, the prima donna was the primary role in an opera for the woman. The seconda donna was the secondary role. There are similar terms for men: primo uomo and secondo uomo. The singers who played those roles were also refered to by those titles. There was no negative connotation.

Southern AE greatly modified by a 1st-generation Scottish-American mother, and growing up abroad. Primadonna is the insult of choice, to my ear. You can say "don't be such a primadonna" to a man, one of your buddies in the bowling league say, without raising untoward implications of screaming queendom.

Diva is a little touchier in that regard, but it means much the same except it's a little funnier and not as derogatory.

Drama queen is a much newer expression, and probably replaces primadonna for the younger generation s. It has nothing to do with being a queen in any sense of the word, as I hear it used. You could also chide someone for acting like a superstar. Even so, the popular male opera-classical crossover group Il Divo chose it as their name when they formed in In the late 19th and early 20th centuries the famous prima donna in opera made it a point of their status to be exacting in their expectations.

Soon, this operatic term mutated into something more about behaviour than ability. The word diva had also been appropriated more and more into theatre and the emerging world of cinema. In Italy diva denoted admired film stars and evolved to refer to any famous star of cinema, theatre, or popular music, but still in a reverential tone to highlight talent and ability as well as fame. By the midth century both terms prima donna and diva , although still used in operatic terms, had become more generalised and slightly derogatory remarks referring to any ambitious, demanding woman in show business.

Interesting that divo still retains its meaning as the leading and most talented tenor.


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