How old is wo fat

It remains a perpetual cliffhanger. Wo Fat en. Chinese spy en. Daiyu Mei en. I got up. I'm still breathing," Lenkov tells TVGuide. He's got a bullet in his head and there's no coming back from that. Photos: The most shocking TV deaths. Turns out Doris felt so guilty over the death of Wo Fat's mother that she took him in as a baby and raised him for several years — until her superiors got wind of what she was doing and made her abandon him as a child.

Check out our exclusive interview:. Lenkov: It's funny. When I wrote the outline [for the episode], he wasn't dead in the outline. And when I started writing the script, it really felt like a natural end to the episode. I had always envisioned following the pattern of the original show, with the last show that we ever do being the capture of Wo Fat. But I felt, when I was writing it, that that felt a little predictable for people who watch the show and know the original one.

They're going to be expecting that. And I felt like if I was going to surprise the audience at any point, this would be it. When I started writing it, at the end it just felt like such closure to the story. I think the audience responded the way I was hoping they would, which was [being] surprised.

Obviously they'll miss Mark and Wo Fat, but that's a tribute to Mark's great acting. And we go on from here. How did you break the news to Mark Dacascos, and what was his reaction? Lenkov: The hardest thing that I've had to do on the show was tell him his character was coming to an end. Their plane, a CIA black flight flying unregistered and under the radar over the Hawaiian jungle, is shot down by the Yakuza, with only Steve and Wo Fat surviving the crash.

They are forced to work together to defeat a clean-up team sent to kill them, culminating in them stealing a helicopter. They are intercepted on landing by the Yakuza, led by Adam Noshimuri , who blames Steve and Wo Fat for the death of Hiro Noshimuri , his father and the Yakuza's original leader.

The arrival of the rest of Five-0, and Kono's personal plea to Adam, sees the Yakuza back down from killing Wo Fat, who is sent to jail. In La O Na Makuahine , Wo Fat was on the verge of being transferred but the prison truck he was in was knocked off the road, resulting in Fat being freed.

It was later revealed that Frank Delano was the man responsible for breaking Wo Fat out of prison with the team striking a deal. Delano and his men would be able to get drugs off the island in exchange for giving Wo Fat the location of Shelburne, who was also revealed to be Doris McGarrett , Steve's supposedly dead mother. Wo Fat eventually confronted Doris in Steve's home, resulting in a stand off, holding each other at gunpoint. However, Doris fired three shots into the ground, giving Wo Fat time to escape although it's not known the reason why she allowed this.

Danny exchanged fire with Wo Fat during the rescue, but Wo Fat managed to escape once again. Unaware to her, she inadvertently stopped him for Steve to notice Wo Fat during that interview and gave chase, firing several shots, but Wo Fat evaded capture. Wo Fat was later severely injured during a gunfight, which involved his helicopter being shot down and receiving burns around the left side of his body, in the jungle, where he begged Steve to kill him. Steve refused to do so, and he opted to send Wo Fat to hospital instead, with prison officers guarding the room while Wo Fat lay handcuffed to the bed.

At the end of the episode, Fat told Steve that he was his protection because the unknown forces currently breaking down Fat's door want Wo Fat dead, ending the episode in a cliffhanger. In O ka Pili'Ohana ka 'Oi , he escapes from prison using a bomb made out of paint thinner, fertiliser and nitroglycerine pills.

During that time, Steve was held captive and given drugs, even going so far as to hallucinate an alternate reality where he was still a Navy SEAL , his father John McGarrett was still alive and that as a result of the Hawaii Five-0 Task Force never existing, Danny, Chin and Kono all leading different lives and Jenna being alive.

Steve and Wo Fat also engage in a brutal fight that ends with Steve shooting Wo Fat in the head and thus killing him, avenging his father's death. However, it is later revealed to be a dream. In Goodbye , showed through flashback how he, Victor and his wife Daiyu Mei met in China, are shown planning of the attempted extraction of Anton Hesse , Victor's brother in South Korea, that led to the murder of Steve McGarrett's father, John McGarrett, later during Anton Hesse's extraction, Victor enters John's house, holds him at gunpoint, and puts Wo Fat and John into contact with each other and the eventual events of the pilot episode.

Many associates of Wo Fat were ultimately killed by him, or were killed during confrontations with law-enforcement. Hawaii Five-O Wiki Explore. Hawaii Five-O. Your Knife, My Back. Hawaii Five-O Helping Out.


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