Cname record what is
Find her on LinkedIn. They each have a different purpose, but they all work together to achieve one common goal—for users to find your domain on the web. This way, you only have to change the record the subdomains are pointed to.
Another use case for CNAME records is to use them to point a hostname to a different domain or to an external host. They can also be utilized to point a group of company websites to a parent site, or to have the same domain registered in multiple countries, but with each version pointing to the same place.
As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Each of these examples will eventually resolve to the IP address configured in the A record for your domain. This can prove useful for cases where you would like to map the root domain to a service such as Heroku or GitHub e.
This allows you to stay RFC compliant, keeps the underlying A records in sync automatically, and allows the use of the root domain for other DNS records e. MX records or NS records. Having the ability to alias a custom domain to another service can prove useful whether it be for aesthetic purposes, usability, convenience, and so on. Although they do have some limitations, new methods such as the ones mentioned above are great for overcoming those limitations and using the canonical name to alias the root domain.
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