Where is teamspeak chat log

This variable is the path to the directory where the licensekey. This variable controls where the TeamSpeak server looks for sql files. This variable is the path to the sql scripts used to initialize the database. This variable controls how many concurrent connections to the database are being used.

Must be at least 2 and at most Defaults to This variable is the amount of days that the TeamSpeak server will keep unused user identities.

Users that have been added to a group will not be pruned, but guests will be. This variable controls where the whitelist is found. The file contains a list of IP addresses which are exempt from the flood protection system. Warning: Do not add any IP addresses that you don't trust, as it will allow them to flood the server. This variable controls where the blacklist is found. The file contains a list of IP addresses that, no matter what, can't connect to the server query interface, even after a server restart.

This variable controls the folder where the server stores its log files. If this variable is set to 1, every query command that is sent to the server will be logged. Warning: While this can help if you are running into issues with your server, it should be noted that this can cause your log files to become extremely large. Unless you absolutely want all commands to be logged, we recommend this variable to be set to 0 most of the time.

If this variable is set to 1, all new log entries are written into a single file per virtual server. We suggest setting this variable to 0 as it will make life easier when looking at the logs. Comma separated list of protocols that can be used to connect to the ServerQuery.

Possible values are raw and ssh. You now can encrypt your snapshot using a password. The password is AES encrypted and won't be shown in the server log in case logging was enabled. We added an optional parameter to move files from existing channels into the new one. But only if channel did exist before. This won't work with snapshots before 3.

Older snapshots still can be applied, but you should create new ones after you did update. The server code got an overhaul and things should run better now including packet loss and CPU usage. Handling of Client IDs was touched. They now always increase and only start from free lowest ID when was reached.

We fixed the avatar issues from 3. But make sure you use FreeBSD 11 or newer. Here is the full change log: Code:. Hey out there! Hotkeys or now called key bindings are not working like they should. With TeamSpeak3 opened, minimized or in system tray the client recognizes any of my set key binds. Even if I have full-windowed apps opened in the foreground for example games or other apps. With TeamSpeak5 opened or minimized key bindings are not being recognised if I have full-windowed apps opened in the foreground.

This issue seems to appear on the most tested full-windowed games. Some apps like browsers in full-windowed mode in the foreground will cause the same issue. The workaround to minimize the game or tab-out on Windows isn't quite nice.

I got a Beta-Key 2 days ago. After i installed the client, everything was ok, i can connenct to my privat-ts-server on my synology version 3. The TS3 runs well, the TS5 client don't.

Can anybody help? Cya Rudi P. From my point of view, we need to give users the choice of how long to save logs -- day, week, month, year or as much as they want themselves including forever. Lastly, to be convenient to understand, I think it is better to save logs of text chat separate for each voice chat. So if the idea is server side, I think that is up to the admin to decide, not the user.

While yea it would be cool to offer flexibility for ignoring users from chats, I'm of the opinion per channel will would provide the easiest steps forward. Length of time, i'm flexible on personally. If i need logs rotated out i can just setup log rotate on my own box. Unfortunately not, but we will start working on this after is completed and merged.

Well, I also wish that mumble had a persistent chat, just like discord. Of course, logging should be able server-side, so when let's say you're on holiday for 3 weeks and you come back, you can read what your co-workers have been discussing in the meantime. However, as for the design, what we also have to take into account is that it should then be possible for someone to write an private message to a contact who is offline, which is then waiting on the server until he logs back in.

This would finally make it possible to replace discord with mumble in so many, if not all cases, and that would just be incredibly awesome, considering that mumble runs on Windows XP I have an idea about persistent chat that may solve the "I don't want to be tracked users". This is actually the major point keeping my friends and I from switching from Discord, etc. Aside from the switch decision, it'd also be good to have some logrotate functions in there for the log itself.

Iterate through like chat. This would all depend on settings that were established by the server admins themselves. Even better would be per-channel chat log settings assigned based on channel name or channel ID.

With that the server could parse and load in the log based on the channel name or even channel ID depending on which is more convenient. I think the suggestions by toby are overkill. Specifically, logging should be available for any channel, not only password protected ones, and their permissions should be the same as the channel by default. Encryption, expiry, and size of logs should all be configurable, to allow setups as strict as tobys or as insert opinion here as discord. I should specify that I would use Toby's settings for my own server, and agree that any privacy-respecting server should, but it doesn't fit all use cases.

At minimum a user should be informed when logging is active, and be able to view the logging settings who can view logs, expiry, etc but anything beyond that need be adjustable.

I also think client side logging should only be available as a mirror of server logs. A user should not have to worry about another user joining chat, and suddenly they're being logged. While I am no lawyer, i understand it like this: Note: This applies mainly to server logging. Client logging might be a different case. So I wanted to clarify that. No, because there is an important difference: Audio recording is done and stored by the user.

Nonetheless there might be other laws to apply to that. Also: Just because something is done, doesn't mean it is also lawful, or done in a lawful way. I'm going to try and keep this train from running anymore off the tracks. You should never bring up the LAW of a specific country as it will not apply. The reason for this is because in the terms of use you could easily make the user give up ANY rights by using the program.

This is how all software agreements work just look at Microsoft, Google, Facebook if you want to see some real scary terms lol. Users are okay with this they will just click next and the ones that are not don't install the program anyways.

Before any of you say No remember the terms now pretty much cover this already ;. My law topic is not about the software mumble , it is about the obligations of the server owners, as they will use the software.

Now mumble can of course say "we don't care", but it would be much better to help the server owners by adding options to comply with the law. With regards to implementation, I can understand informing the client-side users of the update.

If the server gets updated and has this built in at that point, yes, it would be important to let people know that logs are being saved for SOME period of time. The HOW of the matter would likely require adding entries into logrotate or some other way of log rotation to ensure that data is only retained for as long as server admins want to keep it.

At that point, the logs start to iterate and roll off. Making sure that these chats stay specific to individual channels is also important instead of having a global chat that spans across multiple voip channels. How the association would be handled per channel would be outside of my knowledge.

We are here to talk about Mumble. Mumble is a tool, like any other software. A tool should not be opinionated, and this tool is not specialized to GPDR countries.

I believe this feature makes the most sense serverside, as a way for offline users to see old messages. If I'm not mistaken, murmur is cross-platform, so the initial implementation could be plain text files per channel, and then logrotate, database, etc, can be added after the most basic implementation is done.

Unrelated to server side logging, I'd love to see a way to be able to log user messages client side , even better if not in plaintext encrypted. This overall would be nice for servers who don't log messages, it would be entirely clientside, and will help maintain a conversation on reconnects or timeouts, a more persistent feel, etc. This way nothing has to get logged on the server period aka servers don't need to enable it just to maintain messages, servers can give even more control to the users , but if a user wants to log on their side they can.

Or the server can just enable logging, but that's not the point to be clear. As for the encryption part, I'm not entirely sure, that may or may not complicate things. Maybe this could be paired with signing the log with your Mumble certificate so they go hand in hand If your certificate is imported into Mumble, the logs are viewable, otherwise not. Just an idea. I think server side management would be better for the sake of alerting users to the activity.

The client side would also require rules for people who might want to opt out of logging which would mean that each and every client connected to the server would need that set of rules applied to their client. That's a lot of overhead for the server to write that every time and then pass it to every client connected to it. The server side option basically just keeps that list local, updates it, and then null-routes any chat logs from who has opted out of logging.

There's only one negative I can think of, and that being that not everyone in the chat will have the ability to control other users logging choices obviously one person can log everything without other users knowing, maybe this can be combatted with an icon next to their name if they have logging on. But in defense against that, the text is literally already viewable to everyone, and I can't imagine it'd be too difficult to setup logging for Mumble if someone wanted to log messages. This is possible to do on IRC clients, I honestly don't see the harm in implementing client side logging on Mumble.

Again if someone planned on doing something malicious with logs, well not having a button in a completely FOSS program mind you to enable logs, probably won't stop them from finding a way to log messages anyways. I think it'd be nice to be able to log messages client side, imo I'd prefer servers to keep it off and users log client side if they wish.

One because server logs are all in plaintext, two because it's nice to be able to just have logs locally. But again, not saying to not allow servers to log, I'm just suggesting the ability to also log client side. I can parse through components and get an idea of how they work, but if I wanted to start writing in it, I'd be hard pressed to know where to start.

There have been some really good points made already, thank you to everyone involved for engaging in this discussion and keeping this issue alive, until it is actually solved. However, I really do not understand the privacy concerns.

I am a privacy advocate and think that privacy is a human right. But this is my stance on this issue:. Finally, from my own personal experience, which is a big reason for how I view this situation: Sometimes I use TeamSpeak, because a couple of friends host their own TeamSpeak servers and people prefer using something known over something unkown, like Mumble. The servers have permanent logging enabled; you can read old messages that are months old.

The only type of reaction from discovering this feature I got from users of this server was always positive. I have never seen anyone complain on those servers that messages are logged. It was the opposite. We all found it cool and super convenient. Conclusively, privacy is an important thing for me, however at the same time I don't see a privacy problem in the logging of silent chat messages on a voice chat server, that is most of the time used by gamers, as far as I know.

I think if you are so privacy concerned that this bothers you, you shouldn't join a Mumble server to begin with. I also think the option to enable serverside logging using the DB would be the way to go.

And I don't think there is a real need to encrypt it in any way. IMHO most people use mumble in a closed state with only a handfull of friends to chat during gaming OR they use it as a puplic space to discuss just like you would with discord. I just want to share some links and cat pictures and take a look at themn some days later.

Nobody will use mumble as a platform for whistleblower. There is again, in MY opinion simply no need for mumble to become that kind of privacy related. I just don't want my data at foreign servers that I have no control over and owned by companies that are selling my data. I prefer to have a toolset of applications that each serve one kind of a purpose and do it simple and good rather than having one overkill application.

It should be disabled by start, and there should be a warning that logging is enabled, tho. I really don't get this worry and years long debate over server side logs and encryption at all. If I were communicating things I was that worried about someone else reading I would not be doing it on a Mumble server. Especially one that wasn't hosted by myself or someone I trust And if you do you need to reevaluate your decision making process. There are already plenty of other well established and publicly audited means of communicating OTR or whatever if you require some clandestine form of communication.

If Mumble starts touting itself as having any kind of serious encryption it would open the devs up to unending nonsense trying to stay ahead of the criticism that would ensue if it wasn't the most advanced and vulnerability proof thing around. Rather than being the FOSS, self hosted, discord alternative which sounds awesome it would be the encrypted chat platform with known vulnerabilities. It changes all the talking points. And if you're that paranoid about the server operator what makes you think he wouldn't disable encryption or be snooping in some other way.

He literally couldn't be in a better position for a MITM attack. Or some other person in the channel logging or getting screen caps. And you know you're still at risk if someone with the knowledge really wanted to get at your communication. It just gives you reasonable privacy putting you out of reach of the average user or script kiddies.

But end to end encryption as well as at rest encryption, and self destructing server logs.


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