What should you do for groin pain

It will be painful to bring your thighs together. A grade 3 groin strain is a tear that goes through most or all of the muscle or tendon.

This usually causes a sudden, severe pain at the time when it happens. Using the injured muscle at all will be painful. You may be able to feel a gap in the muscle when you touch the injury. Your doctor will often start with an X-ray and follow up with an MRI to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other injuries.

Immediately after injury, the goal of treatment for a groin strain is to reduce pain and swelling. The first few days of treatment follow the protocol for any muscle injury :. Depending on the severity of your strain, you may need additional treatments to speed healing. These could include:. If you have a grade 3 strain, you may need surgery to repair the torn fibers, especially where the tendon is involved. The primary risk factor for groin strain is playing a sport that involves kicking, turning suddenly while running, and jumping.

Needing to change direction frequently is also a risk factor. The most common athletes to get groin strain are soccer players and ice hockey players. However, athletes in many sports can be at risk. This includes basketball, football, rugby, skating, tennis, and martial arts.

Among athletes who play these sports, an additional risk factor is how much they practice during offseason. This puts them more at risk of injuries if they begin training without taking the time to build up their muscle strength and flexibility. Previous groin strain is another risk factor, since the muscle is weakened from a previous injury.

A study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine also found that having a low range of motion in the hip joint is a risk factor for groin strain. The best way to prevent groin strain is to avoid using the adductor muscle without proper training and preparation.

Continue training throughout the year if possible. If you take a break from training, work back up gradually to your former level of activity to avoid straining muscles. In general, you can gauge the level of your recovery by your level of pain. The injury can range from a minor pull to a more serious tear of the muscle. You may feel pain and tenderness that's worse when you squeeze your legs together.

You may also have pain when you raise the knee of the injured side. There may be swelling or bruising in the groin area or inner thigh. If you have a bad strain, you may walk with a limp while it heals. Rest and other home care can help the muscle heal. Healing can take up to 3 weeks or more. Your doctor may want to see you again in 2 to 3 weeks. Follow-up care is a key part of your treatment and safety. Be sure to make and go to all appointments, and call your doctor or nurse call line if you are having problems.

It's also a good idea to know your test results and keep a list of the medicines you take. Call your doctor or nurse call line now or seek immediate medical care if:. Watch closely for changes in your health, and be sure to contact your doctor or nurse call line if:. Author: Healthwise Staff. Medical Review: Martin J. Blahd Jr.

Care instructions adapted under license by your healthcare professional. If you have questions about a medical condition or this instruction, always ask your healthcare professional.

Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Things that make one more likely to happen include: playing sports with sprinting, bursts of speed, or sudden changes in direction. These include track and field particularly the hurdle and long jump events , basketball , soccer , football , rugby, hockey , and skiing.

Muscles that haven't been warmed up and stretched properly are more likely to get injured. This is especially true in cold weather. Tired or weak muscles are more likely to get injured.

Doctors diagnose a groin strain by: asking questions about the injury asking about symptoms doing an exam How Are Groin Strains Treated? To help with symptoms while the groin strain heals: Rest the area and avoid activities that cause pain.

For the first day or two, put an ice pack on the area 3—4 times a day for 15 minutes at a time. Put a towel between the ice and the skin to protect it from the cold. Use an elastic wrap to help support the groin and keep the swelling down. Raise the groin by lying down and putting pillows under the hips to lift the hips and thighs.


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