What is the significance of the phalanx to the polis
The Rebellion of Thasos. Athenian Self-Interest in Empire. The Reforms of Ephialtes. Athenian Radical Democracy. The Ostracism of Aristides. Ostracism and personal prominence. Periclean Foreign Policy. The Breakdown of Peace. Liturgies and Benefactions Benefactions by Cimon and his family. Pericles' Acropolis. The Controversial Cost of the Periclean Program.
The Parthenon The Parthenon's design. The Parthenon's special architecture. Sculpture on the Parthenon. The Significance of the Parthenon Frieze. The Gods and Human Behavior. Sacrifices and Offerings. The Character of Sacrifices. Hero Cults.
Belief and Ritual. The Performance of Tragedy. The Spectacle of Tragedy. Tragedy and the Polis Sophocles' Success. Sophoclean Tragedies and Athenian Empire. Sophocles' Ajax. Sophocles' Antigone. Developments in Free-Standing Sculpture Sculptors. Private Sculptural Commissions. The Sculpture of Myron and Polyclitus. Women's Lives at Home and at Work. Literacy and the Poor.
Mentorship in the Education of Males Homosexuality and Mentorship. The Sophists Protagoras. The Subjectivism of Protagoras. The Perceived Dangers of Relativism. Unsettling Cosmologies. Herodotus' New Kind of Historical Writing. Hippocrates' New Direction in Medicine. Tension Between Intellectual and Political Forces in the s. Thucydides on the causes of the Peloponnesian War Immediate causes of the war. Deeper causes of the war. Athenian strategy in the Peloponnesian War.
Losses through Spartan invasions. The effects of epidemic. Athenian resilience after the epidemic. The success of Cleon at Pylos. The unexpected tactics of Brasidas. The Peace of Nicias. An uneasy peace.
Attack on Melos. Launching the Expedition to Sicily The mutilation of the Herms. Athenian defeat in Sicily. The aftermath of the defeat in Sicily. Revolts among the allies of Athens.
Athenian resilience after defeat in Sicily. The oligarchic coup of The restoration of democracy. The end of the war. The rule of the Thirty Tyrants. Social and cultural life at Athens in war time Crowding in the city of Athens. The economic problems of farmers, workers, and business owners. The economic effects of war on Athenian women. War and the finances of Athens. Athenian comedy during the war. The humor and plots of Athenian comedy.
Comedy as criticism of official policy. The Lysistrata of Aristophanes. Introduction to the Fourth Century. Manufacture and Trade. Agriculture and Private Property. The Daily Diet. The Loss of Slaves. Socratic Ways. Socrates' Search for Justice. The Effect of Socrates. Aristophanes on Socrates. Socrates' Guilt by Association. The Prosecution of Socrates. The Execution of Socrates. The Struggle for Dominance after the Peloponnesian War. The Corinthian War and the King's Peace.
Spartan Aggression and Athenian Resurgence. Stalemate after the Battle of Mantinea. Awards and Fellowships. Conferences, Lectures, and Meetings. Conference: Re Ordering the Gods.
The Mythographic Web through Times. Re Ordering the Gods. Calls for Papers. SCS Announcements. Upcoming Deadlines. In Memoriam. In Memoriam: T. James Luce. The members of the Committee on the C. Share This Page. Phone: Voice. A polis of gods--the Olympian gods 3. Homer's epics, Iliad and Odyssey a. Greeks develop unique religious observances, notably athletics and drama III. Athletics A.
Olympic events 1. Athletics reflects the Greek notion of human excellence 1. Drama A. Tradition of tragic drama, especially in Athens.