Pms symptoms why

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Recent Blog Articles. Health news headlines can be deceiving. Why is topical vitamin C important for skin health? Preventing preeclampsia may be as simple as taking an aspirin. They can be used 2 weeks before the onset of symptoms or throughout the menstrual cycle. There are many kinds of antidepressants. If one does not work for you, your ob-gyn may prescribe another. If anxiety is a major PMS symptom for you, an antianxiety drug can be tried if other treatments do not seem to help.

Antianxiety drugs are taken as needed when you have symptoms. Diuretics "water pills" are drugs that help reduce fluid buildup. Your ob-gyn can prescribe a diuretic if water retention is a major symptom for you.

Menstrual Cycles : The monthly process of changes that occur to prepare a woman's body for possible pregnancy. A menstrual cycle is defined as the first day of menstrual bleeding of one cycle to the first day of menstrual bleeding of the next cycle. Menstruation : The monthly shedding of blood and tissue from the uterus that happens when a woman is not pregnant. Many types are available over the counter, including ibuprofen and naproxen.

Obstetrician—Gynecologist Ob-Gyn : A doctor with special training and education in women's health. Symptoms may include sharp mood swings, irritability, hopelessness, anxiety, problems concentrating, changes in appetite, sleep problems, and bloating. Premenstrual Syndrome PMS : A term used to describe a group of physical and behavioral changes that some women experience before their menstrual periods every month.

Seizure Disorders : Any condition that causes seizures, which cause changes in movement, consciousness, mood, or emotions. Epilepsy is one kind of seizure disorder. Copyright by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. All rights reserved. Read copyright and permissions information. This information is designed as an educational aid for the public. It offers current information and opinions related to women's health.

It is not intended as a statement of the standard of care. It does not explain all of the proper treatments or methods of care. It is not a substitute for the advice of a physician. Emotional symptoms include depression angry outbursts irritability crying spells anxiety confusion social withdrawal poor concentration insomnia increased nap taking changes in sexual desire Physical symptoms include thirst and appetite changes food cravings breast tenderness bloating and weight gain headache swelling of the hands or feet aches and pains fatigue skin problems gastrointestinal symptoms abdominal pain.

Some of these conditions include depression anxiety perimenopause chronic fatigue syndrome irritable bowel syndrome IBS thyroid disease Depression and anxiety disorders are the most common conditions that overlap with PMS.

Simple changes in your diet may help relieve the symptoms of PMS: Eat a diet rich in complex carbohydrates. Add calcium-rich foods, like yogurt and leafy green vegetables, to your diet.

Reduce your intake of fat, salt, and sugar. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Levels of estrogen and progesterone increase during certain times of the month. An increase in these hormones can cause mood swings , anxiety , and irritability. Ovarian steroids also modulate activity in parts of your brain associated with premenstrual symptoms. Serotonin levels affect mood. Serotonin is a chemical in your brain and gut that affects your moods, emotions, and thoughts. Ovulation, the period when an egg is released from the ovaries, occurs on day 14 of the cycle.

Menstruation, or bleeding, occurs on day 28 of the cycle. PMS symptoms can begin around day 14 and last until seven days after the start of menstruation. The symptoms of PMS are usually mild or moderate. Nearly 80 percent of women report one or more symptom that does not substantially affect daily functioning, according to the journal American Family Physician. Twenty to 32 percent of women report moderate to severe symptoms that affect some aspect of life.

Three to 8 percent report PMDD. The severity of symptoms can vary by individual and by month. The diagnosis is made when you have more than one recurrent symptom in the correct time frame that is severe enough to cause impairment and is absent between menses and ovulation.

Your doctor must also rule out other causes, such as:. Your doctor may ask about any history of depression or mood disorders in your family to determine whether your symptoms are the result of PMS or another condition. Your doctor may do a thyroid hormone test to ensure that your thyroid gland is working properly, a pregnancy test, and possibly a pelvic exam to check for any gynecological problems.

Keeping a diary of your symptoms is another way to determine if you have PMS. Use a calendar to keep track of your symptoms and menstruation every month. If your symptoms start around the same time each month, PMS is a likely cause. If you have a mild or moderate form of premenstrual syndrome, the treatment options include:.

You can take pain medication, such as ibuprofen or aspirin, to alleviate muscle aches, headaches, and stomach cramping. You can also try a diuretic to stop bloating and water weight gain.


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